Notes related to SVG

Nathan States

0. References

  • D3 For The Impatient by Philipp Janert.

1. Overview

SVG stands for Scalabe Vector Graphics, and is a vector image format for creating graphics. SVG uses XML-based text files that produces not flat images, but DOM trees.

SVG is almost never used alone; it’s usually used in HTML in combination with D3 to make interactive charts.

2. Shapes

There are four primary shape types in SVG.

Tag Attributes Description
x, y Coordinates of Upper-Left Corner
width, height Width and Height
rx, ry Horizontal and Vertical Corner Radius
cx, cy Center Coordinates
r Radius
cx, cy Center Coordinates
rx, ry Horizontal and Vertical Radius
x1, y1 Starting Point Coordinates
x2, y2 Ending Point Coordinates

3. Path

The element is capable of drawing shapes, and it has one specific attribute; d. The value of d consists of a string consisting of numbers such as;

<path d="M40 50 L70 60 L70 40 Z" />
OJS Syntax Error (line 38, column 1)Unexpected token